Wednesday, April 8, 2009

HDIFA advanced planning for special occasions or events? DYFF

Dear LORD:

Thank you that my love is home. I missed her. I got very, very lonely for her. She is very special to me.


Your MEQ today was the wonderful way you greeted me with an apology and a cup of tea this morning. Thank you very much for that!

The way I feel about advanced planning for special occasions is positive and hopeful. I think that advanced planning for things like birthdays, vacations, and the like is very, very important. We need to have the financial resources in place in order to avoid negative spending. We can avoid impulse purchasing that way too. We need to know what we are going to do and how much it is going to cost. This will save us lots of wear and tear on our relationship.

A balance is called for, though. We should have the flexibility to do spontaneous things on occasion as well. That is what adds zest and fun to our relationship. So we should not be too rigid about this, but we should be prudent and thoughtful. Mindfulness in other words.

My positive and hopeful feeling is pretty strong, about a 6. It is like the feeling that I had when we moved into this house, and left behind the ghosts and memories of the Shady Lawn house. Like we are getting a new start. Kind of like the girl on Forest Gump who liked New Year's Day.

Color-wise, it is a bright, sunny red, kind of like the color of your car.

I will post now. I have to leave soon.


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